No job too big, no job too small, Trojan Rock’s crew of handymen, a mix of muscled, rugged and hairy hung guys, would not only help you in your dire straits but leave you with a smile on your face for sure. Trojan, knowing that this business venture had more than a cash in hand bonus, he handpicked each and everyone of his his muscled crew. Chosen for their masculine looks, hairy bodies, rock hard huge cocks, massive muscles and hairy bubble butts; this is a team of handymen like no other.
Studio Presse, BP 6444, 75064 Paris, France,
No job too big, no job too small, Trojan Rock’s crew of handymen, a mix of muscled, rugged and hairy hung guys, would not only help you in your dire straits but leave you with a smile on your face for sure. Trojan, knowing that this business venture had more than a cash in hand bonus, he handpicked each and everyone of his his muscled crew. Chosen for their masculine looks, hairy bodies, rock hard huge cocks, massive muscles and hairy bubble butts; this is a team of handymen like no other.Männliche behaarte Körper, steinharte riesige Schwänze, massive Muskeln und behaarte Arschbacken - ein Team von Handwerkern für die kein Auftrag zu groß oder zu klein ist - komm lass sie herein!Männliche behaarte Körper, steinharte riesige Schwänze, massive Muskeln und behaarte Arschbacken - ein Team von Handwerkern für die kein Auftrag zu groß oder zu klein ist - komm lass sie herein!Des corps virils et poilus, des bites géantes et dures comme roc, des muscles massifs et des fesses poilues - Une équipe d'artisans pour lesquels aucun devoir n'est trop grand ou trop petit - viens, laisse-les entrer!Cuerpos masculinos velludos, pollas inmensas duras, músculos grandes y culos velludos - un equipo de obreros para los que una obra grande o pequeña no es ningún problema!Corpi pelosi, cazzi enomri, uomini massivi e muscolosi. Culi pelosim una squadra di operai che sanno fare benissimo i loro mestieri. Trojan Rock, Samson Stone, Giovanne Cruz,
Carlo Cox, Bruno Knight, Ben Brown Studio Alphamales DVD's & Media DVDs Gespierde Kerels DVD's weer op voorraad