If you like hairy chests, hunky blokes, and raw, man-on-man fuckery, you’re in the right place. The hottest, donkey dick daddies are raring to go and hungry for uncut cocks and heavy loads. Our bristly, bruises are stripped down and ready for action. No condoms, all bareback with the bonus of those butt tickling beards. These guys are 100% masculine beef, giving it and taking it like a man - raw!
Un informazione su Barebacking e ingoiare-sperma: Questi film contengono scene di sesso senza uso del preservativo e scene dove viene ingoiato lo sperma. Questo sesso non protetto puo' trasmettere l´HIV e altre malattie sessualmente trasmissibili. Prima di girare un film , gli attori vengono sottoposti ad un test del sangue. Altri film vengono girati solo con attori sieropositivi o sono stati girati prima della scoperta dell' effetto protettivo dei preservativi. Fate sempre sesso protetto! E non interpretate questi film come incitamento a fare sesso non protetto!!!. Studio: Butch Dixon Categorie: DVD & Media, DVDs, DVD in copia singola
If you like hairy chests, hunky blokes, and raw, man-on-man fuckery, you’re in the right place. The hottest, donkey dick daddies are raring to go and hungry for uncut cocks and heavy loads. Our bristly, bruises are stripped down and ready for action. No condoms, all bareback with the bonus of those butt tickling beards. These guys are 100% masculine beef, giving it and taking it like a man - raw!Wenn du behaarte Oberkörper, gut gebaute Kerle und Bareback-Sex zwischen Männern magst, bist du hier genau richtig. Die heißesten, schwanzgeilsten Daddies sind bereit und hungrig nach unbeschnittenen Schwänzen und heftigen Ladungen. Unsere borstigen, muskulösen Körper sind nackt und bereit für Action. Keine Kondome, alles Bareback mit dem Bonus dieser kitzelnden Bärte. Diese Jungs sind 100 % maskulines Fleisch, geben und nehmen wie ein Mann – ohne Gummi! Clive, Donnie, Javi, Martin, Max, Mitchell, Nikol, Pavel, Rob, Zach Butch Dixon Studio Butch Dixon DVD & Media DVDs DVD in copia singola