Parole DVD (TitanMen) (14465D)
  • Parole DVD (TitanMen) (14465D)
  • Parole DVD (TitanMen) (14465D)
Parole DVD (TitanMen) (14465D)
Parole DVD (TitanMen) (14465D) Parole DVD (TitanMen) (14465D)

Parole DVD (TitanMen)

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Hands up. Against the wall. Spread ’em. When Parole officers have to check in with ex-cons desperate to stay out of the slammer, the action quickly escalates with loaded guns. Watch as TitanMen exclusives Eddy Ceetee, Lorenzo Flexx and Jesse Jackman bust more than just the bad guys. Caught with drugs, former convict Bennett Anthony will do anything to escape prison—quickly offering his holes for parole officer Anthony London’s pleasure. Officers Bruce Beckham and Eddy Ceetee use some free time to practice their frisking technique—the two soon getting a taste of what each other is packing. A broken monitoring device puts Lorenzo Flexx into a panic, but parole office Jesse Jackman offers a way out—shoving the desperate bad boy to his knees before getting him on all fours.

Durata: 120 min.
Attori: Jesse Jackman, Lorenzo Flexx, Anthony London, Bennett Anthony, Bruce Beckham, Eddy Ceetee
Regista: Jasun Mark
Studio: TitanMen
Categorie: DVD & Media, DVDs, DVD in copia singola, Uomini, Uomini pelosi, Ragazzi muscolosi

1 Articolo
Nuovo prodotto
Importer: Kraho GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 12/Objekt 3, 1220 Wien, Austria,

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