Lift, Pump, Swallow! Whether pumping iron or pumping hot veiny dicks– these muscular men need their protein hit and where better to get it than straight from the source! Dripping in sweat and pumped from their workouts, they take out their sexual frustration on their buddy’s raw asses!
Running Time: 180 min.
A note about barebacking: This film contains bareback sex or cum eating scenes. Without further protection, these are unsafe sex pratices that put you at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE UNSAFE SEX!!!
For further information about Safer Sex, PrEP and protection through treatment, please check, e.g., these links:, and I Want PrEP Now.
Lift, Pump, Swallow! Whether pumping iron or pumping hot veiny dicks– these muscular men need their protein hit and where better to get it than straight from the source! Dripping in sweat and pumped from their workouts, they take out their sexual frustration on their buddy’s raw asses!Heben, Pumpen, Schlucken! Ob man nun Eisen stemmt oder seinen heißen venösen Schwanz – diese Muskeltypen brauchen ihren Proteinshake und wo schmeckt der besser als von der Quelle? Tropfend vor Schweiß und geil von den Workouts leben sie ihre sexuelle Frustration an den blanken Ärschen ihrer Kumpel aus!Heben, Pumpen, Schlucken! Ob man nun Eisen stemmt oder seinen heißen venösen Schwanz – diese Muskeltypen brauchen ihren Proteinshake und wo schmeckt der besser als von der Quelle? Tropfend vor Schweiß und geil von den Workouts leben sie ihre sexuelle Frustration an den blanken Ärschen ihrer Kumpel aus! Studio Filthy Raw Fuckers DVDs & Media DVDs Bareback Nationalities / Ethnic Groups Latinos Studs Muscular