Director Darrin Stevens brings his new vision of young raw gay sex with five scenes that are jam-packed with dudes in heat engaging in filthy cum-soaked hijinks. This time Darrin wanted to do a couples movie, with each of the five duos already having an intimate relationship before the filming began.
Running Time: 67 min. Starring: Tyler Reynolds, R.J. Reynolds, Dexter Meat, Lucky Thomas, Austin Mills, Phoenix Michaels, Skylar Howl, Chap Silverside, Christian Lunas, Toby Kerrywood Director: Darrin Stevens
A note about barebacking: This film contains bareback sex or cum eating scenes. Without further protection, these are unsafe sex pratices that put you at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE UNSAFE SEX!!!
For further information about Safer Sex, PrEP and protection through treatment, please check, e.g., these links:, and I Want PrEP Now.
Director Darrin Stevens brings his new vision of young raw gay sex with five scenes that are jam-packed with dudes in heat engaging in filthy cum-soaked hijinks. This time Darrin wanted to do a couples movie, with each of the five duos already having an intimate relationship before the filming began.Regisseur Darrin Stevens zeigt Dir seine Vision des puren, schwulen Boy-Sex! 'Young Barebackers 3' - das sind fünf Szenen, vollgepackt mit dauergeilen Jungs in dreckiger, spermagetränkter Sex-Action! Dieses Mal wollte Darrin einen Film mit echten Paaren drehen, wo jedes der fünf Duos bereits eine intime Beziehung vor den Dreharbeiten hatte.Regisseur Darrin Stevens zeigt Dir seine Vision des puren, schwulen Boy-Sex! 'Young Barebackers 3' - das sind fünf Szenen, vollgepackt mit dauergeilen Jungs in dreckiger, spermagetränkter Sex-Action! Dieses Mal wollte Darrin einen Film mit echten Paaren drehen, wo jedes der fünf Duos bereits eine intime Beziehung vor den Dreharbeiten hatte.Le régisseur Darrin Stevens te présente sa vision du sexe pure entre garçons gays! 'Young Barebackers 3' - ce sont cinq scénarios, bourrés avec des jeunes chauds en permanence dans des actions sexuelles salaces et trempées de sperme! Cette fois-ci Darrin a voulu tourner un film avec des vrais couples, où chacun des cinq duos avait déjà des relations intimes avant le tournage.Il regista Darrin Stevens ci mostra la sua visione del puro sesso gay tra giovani! 'Young Barebackers 3' - sono cinque scene con giovani sempre eccitanti in azioni sessuali porcellone e piene di sborra! Questa volta Darrin voleva girare un film con coppie vere, in cui ognuno dei cinque duetti avesse già un rapporto intimo prima di girare sul set. Tyler Reynolds, R.J. Reynolds, Dexter Meat, Lucky Thomas, Austin Mills, Phoenix Michaels, Skylar Howl, Chap Silverside, Christian Lunas, Toby Kerrywood Darrin Stevens Studio Spunk Video DVDs & Media DVDs Bareback Twinks (18-22) Young Studs