Knockout & Takedowns packs a powerful sexual punch. The guys in this kick ass gymnasium keep your blood pumping and cock throbbing. This team of wrestlers and boxers get horned up with all the intense action in the ring, and they use each other to relieve their pent up sexual energy. New Exclusive, Jimmy Fanz makes his DVD debut as he's joined by stunning JOCKS Spencer Fox, Evan Mercy, Dylan Roberts, Michael Keys, Devin Adams and coach Tucker Phillman. These studs are suited up for sport, but they get dressed down for the hottest, sweaty, sporty JOCKS action you've seen in a long time. These four hard hitting scenes, filled with intense athletic action are assured to work you out.
Running Time: 92 min Starring: Jimmy Fanz, Evan Mercy, Spencer Fox, Dylan Roberts, Michael Keys, Devin Adams & Tucker Phillman Director: Andrew Rosen
Studio: Jocks / Falcon Categories: DVDs & Media, DVDs, Single copy DVDs, Studs
Silver State Services LLC, 4011 W Oquendo Rd, Suite A, Las Vegas NV 89118, USA, Importer: Kraho GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 12/Objekt 3, 1220 Wien, Austria,
Knockout & Takedowns packs a powerful sexual punch. The guys in this kick ass gymnasium keep your blood pumping and cock throbbing. This team of wrestlers and boxers get horned up with all the intense action in the ring, and they use each other to relieve their pent up sexual energy. New Exclusive, Jimmy Fanz makes his DVD debut as he's joined by stunning JOCKS Spencer Fox, Evan Mercy, Dylan Roberts, Michael Keys, Devin Adams and coach Tucker Phillman. These studs are suited up for sport, but they get dressed down for the hottest, sweaty, sporty JOCKS action you've seen in a long time. These four hard hitting scenes, filled with intense athletic action are assured to work you out.Knockout und Takedowns eine wahre Karftpackung an sexueller Energie. Die heißesten Sportler, geil verschwitzt und versaut, wie Du es schon lange nicht mehr erlebt hast.Knockout und Takedowns eine wahre Karftpackung an sexueller Energie. Die heißesten Sportler, geil verschwitzt und versaut, wie Du es schon lange nicht mehr erlebt hast.Knockout & Takedowns, un vrai paquet de force en énergie sexuelle. Les sportifs les plus chauds, excitants, pleins de sueur et salaces, comme tu ne l'as plus vu depuis longtemps. Knockout & Takedowns es un paquete de fuerza y energía sexual. Los deportistas cachondos son cachondos, sudorosos y perversos como hacía mucho tiempo no lo habías visto. Knockout e Takedowns è tutta energia. Gli atleti più sportivi, arrapanti e perversi che non hai mai visto. Jimmy Fanz, Evan Mercy, Spencer Fox, Dylan Roberts, Michael Keys, Devin Adams & Tucker Phillman Andrew Rosen Studio Jocks / Falcon DVDs & Media DVDs Single copy DVDs Studs