Ken Adam's Is loved by two men, only they don't know they both have the same boyfriend. There's hell to pay when they find out. Ken's curved tree-trunk of a cock is swallowed whole by Kevin Wolff, who also happens to be the perfect bottom, taking Adam's cock deep inside his butt also. Falcon Classic.
Running Time: 70 min Starring: Ken Adams, Kevin Wolff, Brandon West, Paul Bain, Chris Slade, Victor Rieves, Kyle Davis, Jackson Phillips Director: Chi Chi LaRue
Studio: Jocks / Falcon Categories: DVDs & Media, DVDs, Classics, Single copy DVDs, Studs
Silver State Services LLC, 4011 W Oquendo Rd, Suite A, Las Vegas NV 89118, USA, Importer: Kraho GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 12/Objekt 3, 1220 Wien, Austria,
Ken Adam's Is loved by two men, only they don't know they both have the same boyfriend. There's hell to pay when they find out. Ken's curved tree-trunk of a cock is swallowed whole by Kevin Wolff, who also happens to be the perfect bottom, taking Adam's cock deep inside his butt also. Falcon Classic. Ken Adams, Kevin Wolff, Brandon West, Paul Bain, Chris Slade, Victor Rieves, Kyle Davis, Jackson Phillips Chi Chi LaRue Studio Jocks / Falcon DVDs & Media DVDs Classics Single copy DVDs Studs