Having been away at sea for a long six months, Naval officer Landon Conrad's happy as a clam when his ship finally drops anchor in San Francisco. He dives into a gay waterhole for some R&R where hunky barkeep Parker Perry knows exactly what to do to satisfy the man in uniform. He makes headway to Landon's crotch and runs his tongue and mouth up and down and all over his already stiffened staff. Then he goes for his poop deck and rims his asshole.
Silver State Services LLC, 4011 W Oquendo Rd, Suite A, Las Vegas NV 89118, USA, Importer: Kraho GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 12/Objekt 3, 1220 Wien, Austria, info@kraho.com
Having been away at sea for a long six months, Naval officer Landon Conrad's happy as a clam when his ship finally drops anchor in San Francisco. He dives into a gay waterhole for some R&R where hunky barkeep Parker Perry knows exactly what to do to satisfy the man in uniform. He makes headway to Landon's crotch and runs his tongue and mouth up and down and all over his already stiffened staff. Then he goes for his poop deck and rims his asshole.Nach sechs langen Monaten fern der Heimat ist Marine-Offizier Landon Conrad glücklich, dass sein Schiff endlich in San Francisco Anker wirft. Er taucht in ein schwules Wasserloch für einige Erkundungen wo der gutbestückte Barkeeper Parker Perry genau weiss, wie man einen Mann in Uniform befriedigt.Nach sechs langen Monaten fern der Heimat ist Marine-Offizier Landon Conrad glücklich, dass sein Schiff endlich in San Francisco Anker wirft. Er taucht in ein schwules Wasserloch für einige Erkundungen wo der gutbestückte Barkeeper Parker Perry genau weiss, wie man einen Mann in Uniform befriedigt.Après six long mois loin de sa patrie l'officier de la marine Landon Conrad est heureux que son bâteau a enfin jeté l'ancre à San Francisco. Il s'enfonce dans un trou à eau gay pour quelques reconnaissances et le barkeeper bien doté Parker Perry sait très bien comment satisfaire un homme en uniforme.Luego de 6 largos meses alejado de la patria, el oficial de la marina Landon Conrad está feliz de que su barco ancle en San Francisco. Allí saldrá de marcha por los sitios gay y conocerá al bien dotado barkeeper Parker Perry que sabe muy bien como satisfacer a un hombre vestido de uniforme.Dopo sei lunghi mesi lontano da casa l'ufficiale della marina Landon Conrad è contento che la sua nave approdi finalmente a San Francisco. Va in un locale e conosce il bel barista Parker Perry che sa come soddisfare uomini in uniforme. Aden James, Landon Conrad, Bobby Clark, Cole Streets, Conner Habibm Chaz Riley, Cliff Jensen, Parker Perry, Logan Drake Studio Falcon DVDs & Media DVDs Studs Muscular Exclusive DVDs