GayDreams 2: San Francisco Nights! In the making for almost a full year, this extended play film is Director Chris Ward's long-awaited sequel to his award-winning movie GayDreams. In 2003, GayDreams rocked the porn world and showed that Raging Stallion was in the select class of about 5 top studios that produce the finest all-male erotica available today. The first GayDreams was a showcase for Raging Stallion's 2004 Man of the Year Shane Rollins, who delivered a performance that instantly made him one of the leading stars in the industry. GayDreams 2 shows us just how much he developed after a year of superstardom--his scenes in the two movies demonstrate the transformation of a boy into a man; a visual tale of innocence shed and passion emerging. And in GayDreams 2 we introduce our newest, and perhaps finest, discovery--19 year old Damien Drake. Drake, a smoldering cross between James Dean and a young Marlon Brando, exudes sexuality like no one we have ever seen. With an Olympic-class gymnast body, Drake stands as the year's hottest new star. Not since Shane Rollins has Raging Stallion offered up such a spectacular stud. Your ejaculations will never be the same again!
Silver State Services LLC, 4011 W Oquendo Rd, Suite A, Las Vegas NV 89118, USA, Importer: Kraho GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 12/Objekt 3, 1220 Wien, Austria,
GayDreams 2: San Francisco Nights! In the making for almost a full year, this extended play film is Director Chris Ward's long-awaited sequel to his award-winning movie GayDreams. In 2003, GayDreams rocked the porn world and showed that Raging Stallion was in the select class of about 5 top studios that produce the finest all-male erotica available today. The first GayDreams was a showcase for Raging Stallion's 2004 Man of the Year Shane Rollins, who delivered a performance that instantly made him one of the leading stars in the industry. GayDreams 2 shows us just how much he developed after a year of superstardom--his scenes in the two movies demonstrate the transformation of a boy into a man; a visual tale of innocence shed and passion emerging. And in GayDreams 2 we introduce our newest, and perhaps finest, discovery--19 year old Damien Drake. Drake, a smoldering cross between James Dean and a young Marlon Brando, exudes sexuality like no one we have ever seen. With an Olympic-class gymnast body, Drake stands as the year's hottest new star. Not since Shane Rollins has Raging Stallion offered up such a spectacular stud. Your ejaculations will never be the same again!GayDreams 2: San Francisco Nights! In the making for almost a full year, this extended play film is Director Chris Ward's long-awaited sequel to his award-winning movie GayDreams. In 2003, GayDreams rocked the porn world and showed that Raging Stallion was in the select class of about 5 top studios that produce the finest all-male erotica available today.GayDreams 2: San Francisco Nights! Nach fast einem ganzen Jahr Produktionszeit ist die lang erwartete Fortsetzung des preisgekrönten GayDreams 1 endlich da.GayDreams 2: San Francisco Nights! Nach fast einem ganzen Jahr Produktionszeit ist die lang erwartete Fortsetzung des preisgekrönten GayDreams 1 endlich da.Gay Dreams 2: San Francisco Nights - les rêves continuent! Après un ans prodution ce film ardemmnt désiré est finalement paru! Chris Ward vous présente la suite d'un monde gay extrèmement chaud!GayDreams 2: San Francisco Nights! Después de casi un año de producción está lista finalmente la continuación del premiado film GayDreams 1.GayDreams 2: San Francisco Nights! Dopo quasi un anno di produzione è finalmente uscita la continuazione del film vincitore GayDreams 1 GayDreams 2: San Francisco Nights! Na bijna een jaar produktietijd is hier dan eindelijk de lang verwachtte voortzetting van het prijsgekroonde GayDreams 1. Brendan Austen, Damien Drake, Shane Rollins, Tag Adams Aka Chet Roberts, Sean Storm, Jay Black, Abram Rodriguez, Ryven, Robert Marx Aka Robert Marks, Andy Dill, Michael Brandon Chris Ward Studio Raging Stallion DVDs & Media DVDs Daddies Single copy DVDs Nationalities / Ethnic Groups Multi-ethnic Real Men Exclusive DVDs