Young guys are constantly told that they shouldn't go raw for obvious reasons but it's a message that the lads in this wanton offering have clearly long since forgotten. In fact the thought of using rubber is a distant memory. All they want is the feel of bare skin on skin, as they open up their holes for the kind of wondrous hardcore action that will have you reaching for the tissues in next to no time.
Running Time: 1h 37min Starring: Alejandro Alvarez, Damien Ryder, Drew Kingston, Lincoln Gates, Luke Desmond, Riley Tess, Stephan Black, Wolf Rayet
A note about barebacking: This film contains bareback sex or cum eating scenes. Without further protection, these are unsafe sex pratices that put you at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE UNSAFE SEX!!!
For further information about Safer Sex, PrEP and protection through treatment, please check, e.g., these links:, and I Want PrEP Now.
Orrange Media Group, De Rujterstraat 12, 6651 ZH Druten, The Netherlands,
Young guys are constantly told that they shouldn't go raw for obvious reasons but it's a message that the lads in this wanton offering have clearly long since forgotten. In fact the thought of using rubber is a distant memory. All they want is the feel of bare skin on skin, as they open up their holes for the kind of wondrous hardcore action that will have you reaching for the tissues in next to no time.Jungen Typen wird ständig gesagt, dass sie aus offensichtlichen Gründen nicht blank gehen sollten, aber diese Botschaft haben die Jungs in diesem mutwilligen Angebot offenbar schon lange vergessen. Tatsächlich ist der Gedanke, Gummi zu benutzen, eine ferne Erinnerung. Alles, was sie wollen, ist das Gefühl von blanker Haut auf Haut, wenn sie ihre Löcher für die Art von wundersamer Hardcore-Action öffnen, bei der du im Handumdrehen nach den Taschentüchern greifen wirst. Alejandro Alvarez, Damien Ryder, Drew Kingston, Lincoln Gates, Luke Desmond, Riley Tess, Stephan Black, Wolf Rayet Studio Fresh Hotties DVDs & Media DVDs Bareback Twinks (18-22)