A big cock needs a place to lay its beautiful head. Perhaps the warm hole of a sexy twink angel with nasty intentions would help. We have a few. Hot twink Jean Gilliam loves treating his soccer captain like the slut he loves to be. So he was not surprised to find Gregor Gilead face down in his jock with a new dildo nearby. Cutie Tae Xoxo needed some warming up, and Danny Collins's body heat was the perfect fit. That and his thick, hot cock inside his hole.
Running Time: 1h 27min Starring: Alpan Stone, Cesar Rose, Danny Collins, Gregor Gilead, Jean Gilliam, Leonel Russell, Philip Kiss, Tae Xoxo
A note about barebacking: This film contains bareback sex or cum eating scenes. Without further protection, these are unsafe sex pratices that put you at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE UNSAFE SEX!!!
For further information about Safer Sex, PrEP and protection through treatment, please check, e.g., these links: Avert.org, PrEP.global and I Want PrEP Now.
A big cock needs a place to lay its beautiful head. Perhaps the warm hole of a sexy twink angel with nasty intentions would help. We have a few. Hot twink Jean Gilliam loves treating his soccer captain like the slut he loves to be. So he was not surprised to find Gregor Gilead face down in his jock with a new dildo nearby. Cutie Tae Xoxo needed some warming up, and Danny Collins's body heat was the perfect fit. That and his thick, hot cock inside his hole.Ein großer Schwanz braucht einen Platz, wo er seinen schönen Kopf ablegen kann. Vielleicht würde das warme Loch eines sexy Twink-Engels mit bösen Absichten helfen. Wir haben ein paar. Der heiße Twink Jean Gilliam liebt es, seinen Fußballkapitän wie die Schlampe zu behandeln, die er so gerne ist. So war er nicht überrascht, Gregor Gilead mit dem Gesicht nach unten in seiner Sporthose und einem neuen Dildo in der Nähe zu finden. Der süße Tae Xoxo brauchte etwas zum Aufwärmen, und Danny Collins' Körperwärme war der perfekte Partner. Das und sein dicker, heißer Schwanz in seinem Loch. Alpan Stone, Cesar Rose, Danny Collins, Gregor Gilead, Jean Gilliam, Leonel Russell, Philip Kiss, Tae Xoxo Studio Southern Strokes DVDs & Media DVDs Bareback Twinks (18-22) Young Studs