Try as they might to hitch a ride to the nearest phone, Shane Rockford and Falcon Exclusive Josh Weston find themselves forgetting their escape and settling in to a steamy summer of sultry manplay. Why not stay and dedicate themselves to the satisfaction of their male needs? But there are dark secrets lurking in the shadows and Josh Weston intends to get to the bottom of this mysterious lusty band of demanding studs.
Falcon Exclusive Johnny Brosnan…branded as a troublemaker…refusing to play well with others…stealthily supplies the befuddled Josh Weston with clues to the dark secrets responsible for his. As Josh assembles the mysterious puzzle through observation and reflection, the true deception is realized and Josh's eyes are opened to the shocking reality of the situation. Will Josh find a way out of the erotic web of intrigue in which he and Shane have become so deeply entangled? Or will he give in to his desires and remain with this community of muscled studs dedicated to worship of male flesh and sexual satisfaction?
Silver State Services LLC, 4011 W Oquendo Rd, Suite A, Las Vegas NV 89118, USA, Importer: Kraho GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 12/Objekt 3, 1220 Wien, Austria,
Try as they might to hitch a ride to the nearest phone, Shane Rockford and Falcon Exclusive Josh Weston find themselves forgetting their escape and settling in to a steamy summer of sultry manplay. Why not stay and dedicate themselves to the satisfaction of their male needs? But there are dark secrets lurking in the shadows and Josh Weston intends to get to the bottom of this mysterious lusty band of demanding studs.
Falcon Exclusive Johnny Brosnan…branded as a troublemaker…refusing to play well with others…stealthily supplies the befuddled Josh Weston with clues to the dark secrets responsible for his. As Josh assembles the mysterious puzzle through observation and reflection, the true deception is realized and Josh's eyes are opened to the shocking reality of the situation. Will Josh find a way out of the erotic web of intrigue in which he and Shane have become so deeply entangled? Or will he give in to his desires and remain with this community of muscled studs dedicated to worship of male flesh and sexual satisfaction? Brian McClaine, Josh Weston, Johnny Brosnan, Chad Hunt, Shane Rockford, Adam Wolfe, Nino Bacci, Daniel Sinclair, Brandon Warner, Drew Peters, And in a non-sexual role Rod Barry Chi Chi La Rue Studio Jocks / Falcon DVDs & Media DVDs Classics Group Sex / Gangbang Single copy DVDs Young Studs Studs Muscular