Each of these young men is at the age where their sexual interests are at peak performance levels. Their dicks are always in a state of readiness...if not hard. They can throw a boner at the mere sight of another hot guy or two. And they'll screw each other at a moment's notice. Watch the dicks pump and the cum fly...they're having a great time!
Running Time: 110 min Starring: Nykandro Sideropoulos, Georgia Garzia, Dominic Trojan, Clive Harper, Nick Lamar, Mark Lopec, Billy Dexter, Enrico Cruiz, Mike Green, Mark Zebro
A note about barebacking: This film contains bareback sex or cum eating scenes. Without further protection, these are unsafe sex pratices that put you at risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE UNSAFE SEX!!!
For further information about Safer Sex, PrEP and protection through treatment, please check, e.g., these links: Avert.org, PrEP.global and I Want PrEP Now.
Each of these young men is at the age where their sexual interests are at peak performance levels. Their dicks are always in a state of readiness...if not hard. They can throw a boner at the mere sight of another hot guy or two. And they'll screw each other at a moment's notice. Watch the dicks pump and the cum fly...they're having a great time!Jeder dieser jungen Männer ist in einem Alter in dem die sexuelle Lust auf dem Höhepunkt ist. Ihre Schwänze sind immer hart und sie sind immer bereit um jeden Augenblick den Saft aus ihren Schwänzen zu schießen.Jeder dieser jungen Männer ist in einem Alter in dem die sexuelle Lust auf dem Höhepunkt ist. Ihre Schwänze sind immer hart und sie sind immer bereit um jeden Augenblick den Saft aus ihren Schwänzen zu schießen.Chacun de ces jeunes hommes a l'âge où le désir sexuel est à son maximum. Leurs bites sont toujours raides et ils sont toujours prêts à faire éjaculer le jus de leurs bites.Cada uno de estos chavales está en la edad en la que la energía sexual alcanza su punto máximo. Sus pollas están siempre duras y aprovechan cada momento para correrse y pasar un buen tiempo!Ognuno di questi giovani ragazzi è nell'età in cui la potenza sessuale raggiunge il massimo. I cazzi sono semrpe duri e pronti ad eruttare ogni momento. Nykandro Sideropoulos, Georgia Garzia, Dominic Trojan, Clive Harper, Nick Lamar, Mark Lopec, Billy Dexter, Enrico Cruiz, Mike Green, Mark Zebro Studio Eagle Video DVDs & Media DVDs Bareback Twinks (18-22)