Graduation Day has come to new Marine Hops, who is invited in his uniform to take a road trip up to Hollywood from San Diego, courtesy of a buddy going to visit his girlfriend. Hops sees all the tourists spots, including the must-see star of Gary Collins on the Walk of Fame (either his star just happened to be in the way of the camera or so far off the beaten track that it was easy to film with no one around -- just my guesses). Will the sins of La-La Land win over the Kansas kid, reared to serve his country and its corn?
Graduation Day has come to new Marine Hops, who is invited in his uniform to take a road trip up to Hollywood from San Diego, courtesy of a buddy going to visit his girlfriend. Hops sees all the tourists spots, including the must-see star of Gary Collins on the Walk of Fame (either his star just happened to be in the way of the camera or so far off the beaten track that it was easy to film with no one around -- just my guesses). Will the sins of La-La Land win over the Kansas kid, reared to serve his country and its corn?Hops ist frischgebackener Marinesoldat und wird von seinem Kollegen auf eine Tour von San Diego nach Hollywood mitgenommen. Dort taucht das Landei aus Kansas in eine glitzernde Märchenwelt ein. Wird er den geilen Sünden dort widerstehen können?Hops ist frischgebackener Marinesoldat und wird von seinem Kollegen auf eine Tour von San Diego nach Hollywood mitgenommen. Dort taucht das Landei aus Kansas in eine glitzernde Märchenwelt ein. Wird er den geilen Sünden dort widerstehen können?Hops est soldat de la marine tout nouveau et ses collègues l'emmène sur un tour de San Diego à Hollywood. Là-bas le péquenaud du Kansas plonge dans un monde merveilleux et luisant. Pourra-t-il y résister aux péchés chauds?Hops è un soldato di marina fresco fresco e viene portato dai suoi commilitoni in giro da San Diego a Hollywood. Lì il ragazzo di provincia del Kansas piomba in un mondo meraviglioso e luccicante. Potrà resistere ai caldi peccati? Tyler Riggz, J.T. Harris, Trent Atkins, Hans Ebson, Adam, Hops, Anthony Carl Mike Donner Studio Dirty Bird Pictures DVDs & Media DVDs Single copy DVDs Military / Uniform Young Studs